Untitled Rant II

We anarchists ride motorbikes.
And smoke and erupt.

We destroy our bodies to show our minds we mean business.
We eat fast-food to punish ourselves for being hungry.

My moods are lead, but they anchor me to other people.
I wouldn’t want to sail away.
Some people are light-hearted, and they don’t pay attention to the fact that there is so much they CANNOT know. A person has to learn to tell their feelings to “fuck off.”

We’re all effectively prisoners, but how secure can prison be if the doors are unlocked.
A mirror is beautiful, all the more so when it’s owner is looking.
I would like to be everything with the potential for nothing.
I wouldn’t have to worry about the future.

What keeps you from serenity?
Those of us who make disinterest a religion find it difficult to follow-up on our

Generally speaking, we just lay around and gripe.
Sometimes we develop Christ-complexes
and torment each other with flurries of pins.
Because self-flagellation is really fucking hard.